Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming Soon

Nick and I have baby on our mind. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl. Official due date is fall Solstice September 21st. Which is ironic cause Nick and I got married on Summer solstice June 21st. Anyways the last eight months have been exciting with a whole bunch of new sensations and emotions most all good. I can't complain. My pregnancy has been great and I have been able to remain active and healthy which means baby is happy and healthy and we have had a lot of fun with it. The other great thing is how much love and support we have received. Our friends and family have out poured gifts and words of encouragement and parties on us probably more than we deserve. I am glad that we have been able to share this experience with so many people and people that we love and cherish. So any day now keep your fingers crossed and send me good thoughts.

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